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The Happiness Project: A Month-By-Month Guide to Finding Joy

Are you searching for happiness but don’t know where to start? The Happiness Project is a month-by-month guide that can help you find joy in your life. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at The Happiness Project and how it can help you achieve your goal of being happy.

What is The Happiness Project?

The Happiness Project is a book by Gretchen Rubin that explores the author’s year-long journey to find happiness. Throughout the book, Rubin shares her experiences and insights on how to cultivate happiness in various aspects of life, from work and family to spirituality and personal growth.

Month-by-Month Guide to Finding Joy

The Happiness Project is structured as a month-by-month guide, with each chapter focusing on a specific aspect of life. The chapters are as follows:

January: Boost Energy

The first month of The Happiness Project is all about boosting your energy. This involves getting enough sleep, eating healthily, and exercising regularly. By taking care of your physical health, you’ll have more energy to tackle the other aspects of happiness.

February: Remember Love

In February, the focus shifts to relationships. Rubin suggests various ways to strengthen relationships and show love to the people in your life. This could be as simple as writing a note of appreciation or spending more quality time together.

March: Aim Higher

March is all about setting goals and aiming higher. Rubin encourages readers to think about what they want to achieve in their personal and professional lives and take steps towards those goals. By making progress towards our aspirations, we can feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

April: Lighten Up

In April, Rubin suggests lightening up and finding ways to add more fun and playfulness into our lives. This could be as simple as trying a new hobby or spending time with friends who make us laugh.

May: Be Serious About Play

May continues the theme of playfulness but focuses on being more intentional about it. Rubin encourages readers to schedule time for play and prioritize it in their lives. Play can help us recharge and reduce stress, leading to increased happiness.

June: Make Time for Friends

June is all about friendship. Rubin suggests ways to strengthen friendships and make time for the people who matter most in our lives. This could be as simple as scheduling regular catch-ups or joining a club or group with shared interests.

July: Buy Some Happiness

July focuses on the relationship between money and happiness. Rubin encourages readers to think about what brings them joy and spend money on those things, rather than on material possessions that don’t bring lasting happiness.

August: Contemplate the Heavens

In August, Rubin suggests taking time to contemplate something larger than ourselves, whether that’s nature, spirituality, or the universe. By connecting to something greater, we can feel a sense of awe and wonder that can lead to increased happiness.

September: Pursue a Passion

September is all about pursuing a passion. Rubin encourages readers to think about what they love doing and find ways to incorporate more of that into their lives. By doing something we’re passionate about, we can feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

October: Pay Attention

In October, Rubin suggests paying more attention to the world around us. This means being present and mindful in our daily lives, noticing the small joys and moments of beauty that often go unnoticed.

November: Keep a Contented Heart

November is all about cultivating gratitude and contentment. Rubin suggests ways to focus on the good things in our lives and appreciate what we have, rather than always striving for more.

December: Boot Camp Perfect

The final month of The Happiness Project is all about tying everything together and striving for perfection in all aspects of life. This doesn’t mean being perfect, but rather doing our best and striving for excellence in everything we do.


The Happiness Project is a powerful guide to finding joy in all aspects of life. By taking a month-by-month approach, readers can focus on one aspect at a time and gradually build towards greater happiness. Whether you’re feeling lost or simply looking to boost your happiness levels, The Happiness Project is an excellent place to start.